Thursday, March 21, 2013

Palette Knife Painting Tips for Beginners

It always makes me laugh when I hear people say “I could never do that or I wish I could paint like that”. I didn't magically pick up a palette knife one day and just start creating masterpieces - ok, I may never create masterpieces but I work at it. 

Remember in the original Karate Kid when Mr. Miyagi teaches the super skinny heart throb Danny Russo (I still don’t understand that one but whatever – swoon away 80’s girls) how to catch a fly with chopsticks?

“You beginner luck”

That is not how painting has ever been for me. I’m not some prodigy… I work my monkey butt off. I try and fail and try again. I study, sketch, research constantly. It’s probably a bit of a sick obsession as I don’t see everyday objects like a chair in my office as just a chair; I see lines, dimension, and color. My eyes study the way a shadow changes when you move the light source around.

I believe if you put your mind to something, you can do it. It may come easier for some than others but we can all develop artistic talents. Here's some things I've picked up along the way.

Palette knife painting tips for beginners:

  1. Pick a photo that you love. Make a photo copy in black and white to clearly identify the lines in the image.
  2. Sketch the image in a light pencil. – This allows you to erase and get a feel for the painting.
  3. Once you’re ready to paint, decide the colors you’d like to use and set your palette up.
    1. Set up paper towel
    2. A garbage can
    3.  Leave your paints out so you can remember what colors you used.
  4.  Additives or mediums aren't necessary but can be fun to play with. I use acrylic based painters caulk to thicken up my oil paint and help it dry faster. Mixed Media Impasto paintings are fun!
  5. Select 5 standard knives.  I sell Starter Kits for $35 if you’re interested shoot me an email.
  6.  Begin applying the paint but don’t over analyze too much. This is the fun of knife painting.
  7. Step back several times during the process to see your painting from a distance.
    1. I've learned that taking a picture of your painting during the process also helps you see where things need to be added.
  8.  Paint another one
  9.  Repeat and repeat again

Things to consider:

-Don’t take yourself too seriously.
-Listen to music. It is amazing how different a painting can look depending on the kind of music you listen to; it helps me “get into character”.

Happy Painting.